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Pollution control
Related to the measures implemented by a state, institution or community to manage and control environmental pollution.
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Pollution control > Air pollution 
Pollution control; Air pollution
A gray-white metal that is soft, malleable, ductile, and resistant to corrosion. Sources of lead resulting in concentrations in the air include industrial sources and crustal ...
nonattainment area
Pollution control; Air pollution
A geographic area identified by the U. S. EPA and / or CARB as not meeting either NAAQS or CAAQS standards for a given pollutant. For more information, please view our designated ...
air toxics
Pollution control; Air pollution
A generic term referring to a harmful chemical or group of chemicals in the air. Substances that are especially harmful to health, such as those considered under U. S. EPA's ...
nitrogen oxides
Pollution control; Air pollution
A general term pertaining to compounds of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and other oxides of nitrogen. Nitrogen oxides are typically created during combustion ...
primary standard
Pollution control; Air pollution
A dosage of air pollution scientifically determined to protect against human health effects such as asthma, emphysema, and cancer.
Pollution control; Air pollution
A gas with a high vapor pressure used to force formulations out of aerosol spray cans. Among the gases used are butanes, propanes and nitrogen.
Federal Clean Air Act (FCAA)
Pollution control; Air pollution
A federal law passed in 1970 and amended in 1974, 1977 and 1990 which forms the basis for the national air pollution control effort. Basic elements of the act include national ...

- Air pollution (4497)